
Sex Male
Level 5108
Enlightenment 0
Talent Points 0
Vocation Necromancer
Task Points 528
Mastery Points 24334
Dodge 31
Last Login 02 May 2024 (05:14)
Status offline
Created 01 May 2024 (16:35)
Death List
02 May 2024 (05:14) Killed at level 5108 by field item (soloed)
02 May 2024 (05:11) Killed at level 5128 by field item
and by Mystic Harba.
02 May 2024 (05:05) Killed at level 5148 by Oblivion the Eternalfall (soloed)
02 May 2024 (05:03) Killed at level 5168 by Lyrastra the Enchantress
and by Ragnarak the Volcanic.
02 May 2024 (04:58) Killed at level 5188 by Mystic Dora (soloed)


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