
Sex Male
Level 104615
Enlightenment 21
Talent Points 210
Vocation Illusionist/Bard
Task Points 109489
Mastery Points 2063858
Dodge 161
Last Login 16 July 2024 (18:35)
House Empearl House #8, Empearl
Status offline
Created 02 May 2024 (17:54)
Death List
20 June 2024 (18:43) Killed at level 95034 by Zanaq (soloed)
19 June 2024 (19:51) Killed at level 90897 by Hedwak (soloed)
19 June 2024 (13:46) Killed at level 90900 by Volt
and by Hedwak.
19 June 2024 (01:10) Killed at level 90093 by Hedwak
and by Volt.
18 June 2024 (02:44) Killed at level 78068 by Volt (soloed)
  • Other visible characters on this account:
    Name: Level: Enlightenment: Vocation: Last login: Status:
    Hildebert 95860 15 Bard/Arbalest 26 June 2024 (20:13) offline
  • Address: empearl.online/Houdini

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