
Sex Male
Level 64850
Enlightenment 17
Talent Points 170
Vocation Wolverine/Illusionist
Task Points 15151
Mastery Points 1526424
Dodge 47
Guild the Leader of Immemorial Era
Last Login 21 June 2024 (14:05)
Status offline
Created 30 April 2024 (21:25)
Death List
19 June 2024 (15:37) Killed at level 14049 by Haaning
and by Beh Pulan.
19 June 2024 (15:36) Killed at level 13433 by Haaning (soloed)
19 June 2024 (12:30) Killed at level 95495 by Ruo Puo
and by Pushaa.
19 June 2024 (11:46) Killed at level 95538 by Ruo Puo
and by Pushaa.
15 June 2024 (09:41) Killed at level 73616 by Ruo Puo
and by Pushaa.
  • Other visible characters on this account:
    Name: Level: Enlightenment: Vocation: Last login: Status:
    Wolverine 20 0 Wolverine 08 May 2024 (01:15) offline
    Illusionist 15 0 Illusionist 28 May 2024 (21:54) offline
    Beastborne 15 0 Beastborne Never. offline
  • Address: empearl.online/Empearl

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