
Position Admin
Sex Male
Level 120581
Enlightenment 19
Talent Points 1000
Vocation Illusionist
Task Points 895701
Mastery Points 247018
Dodge 3
Guild the Leader of Staff
Last Login 26 July 2024 (14:05)
Status online
Created 01 January 1970 (00:00)
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Top 5 Enlightened players
1Houdini (E. 21) (L. 104615).
2Undead Slum (E. 20) (L. 77160).
3End Bolado (E. 17) (L. 81354).
4Empearl (E. 17) (L. 64850).
5Maguinhoo (E. 17) (L. 59054).
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