
Sex Male
Level 30222
Enlightenment 5
Talent Points 50
Vocation Spectral Beastborne
Task Points 578
Mastery Points 300008
Dodge 16
Last Login 29 May 2024 (21:43)
Status offline
Created 30 April 2024 (19:31)
Death List
29 May 2024 (21:43) Killed at level 30222 by Brawny Obsidianth
and by Brawny Netherbane.
17 May 2024 (17:48) Killed at level 30318 by Elder (soloed)
16 May 2024 (19:11) Killed at level 28247 by Brawny Obsidianth
and by Brawny Netherbane.
16 May 2024 (13:33) Killed at level 25839 by Molten Warlord (soloed)
07 May 2024 (16:54) Killed at level 11769 by Cindralis
and by Drakarn.
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